How to say what you mean, every time.
On the Magic of Loving Time
6 ways to luxuriate in the time we have and relax into it’s natural unfolding.
How to Make Lasting Connections at a Dinner Party of Strangers
You don’t have to struggle through small talk with these 5 steps.
Escape the Hyper-Productivity Trap & Find Real Rest
Are you resting the wrong way? Join Dande & I for a deep dive on stress & rest.
How to Trick Your Brain to Banish Perfectionism
Run experiments to free up creativity and self-discovery.
What Does It Mean to Live Vividly? 3 Keys to Bold, Audacious Living
How the Impressionists’ bold creativity changed the course of history.
How to Take Back Personal Power With Words You Don’t Say
How to stop 4 bad habits that water down your communication.
Four Virtues of Frivolous Wishes
Why 11:11? There’s more to wishing that sillyness and superstition.
The Bizarre Mechanics of Listening That Make it a Secret Superpower
Active listening is kindergarten stuff. Real listening is a superpower.
Keys to Reset A Super-Powered Echo Chamber
Full expression struggles when our environment pulls for plateauing.
How to Say What You Mean, Every Time
How can we live vividly when we stumble to say what we mean and express in full?

How to say what you
mean, every time.
On the Magic of Loving Time
6 ways to luxuriate in the time we have and relax into it’s natural unfolding.
How to Make Lasting Connections at a Dinner Party of Strangers
You don’t have to struggle through small talk with these 5 steps.
Escape the Hyper-Productivity Trap & Find Real Rest
Are you resting the wrong way? Join Dande & I for a deep dive on stress & rest.
How to Trick Your Brain to Banish Perfectionism
Run experiments to free up creativity and self-discovery.
What Does It Mean to Live Vividly? 3 Keys to Bold, Audacious Living
How the Impressionists’ bold creativity changed the course of history.
How to Take Back Personal Power With Words You Don’t Say
How to stop 4 bad habits that water down your communication.
Four Virtues of Frivolous Wishes
Why 11:11? There’s more to wishing that sillyness and superstition.
The Bizarre Mechanics of Listening That Make it a Secret Superpower
Active listening is kindergarten stuff. Real listening is a superpower.
Keys to Reset A Super-Powered Echo Chamber
Full expression struggles when our environment pulls for plateauing.
How to Say What You Mean, Every Time
How can we live vividly when we stumble to say what we mean and express in full?